Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Catching Up!

It's been awhile since my last post. So many things have been happening, and I haven't had time or really the inclination up until now to post anything, despite how much there is to tell. Our wedding was a blast, despite my embarassment over a certain relative's inibriated state, even before the wedding started! We don't have pictures yet of the wedding, but we would really like to thank everyone that came to celebrate with us!

First things on the agenda is Matt and I are expecting a baby Wap on May 10th 2010. We are pretty excited by this, even though I don't think Noah is. Everytime we ask Noah is he wants a baby brother or sister, he tells us "Baby Brown Dog". We plan on delivering at St.Cloud hospital, despite it being over a two hour drive for us. Reasons for this are medical as well as personal.( My mother works on the L & D floor as a R.N. at St.Cloud hospital!)

Second on the list is Matt and I are trying to buy a house. No such luck though yet...

and Third of all is that we adopted a six month old cat from the Humane Society. He is a brown tabby, and has little ear tufts.We discovered he drinks coffee and likes salsa con queso. He looks really wild, but is really sweet, and Noah and the kitty have bonded very well. ( So well in fact, that they chase each other around the house playing bad guys, and the cat has taken to sleeping under Noah's bed.)

Otherwise Halloween went alright, I was fighting of a severe chest cold/ sinus infection, and had a headache for three days. I don't think Noah felt very well either, as that he was,for once, cuddly and wanted to lay down with me while I tried to rest out the cold. Matt has a cough, but is otherwise ok, if not compltely stressed out over house hunting, and having his car break down. ( They think it might be the fuel pump, but Matt and I talked that it didn't sound or feel like it was going out. We are crossing our fingers that it is just the filter.)

I will post some ultrasound pictures of the baby on here, as well as our cat. ( Who is named Jax).

Otherwise, I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I work Thanksgiving day from 6a-2:30p, and Christmas eve 8a-2:30p, but I don't work the following weekends, so I feel rather blessed that my check will still be good, and that I still get to spend time with family. Thanksgiving this year is at my parents, and Christmas will be spent at Matt's parent's house. I just love the Holiday season, spending time with family, and seeing the joy on Noah's face as he opens up his gifts from everyone, and his reaction Christmas day to Santa's present.

Which reminds me...Noah is almost potty trained! We are going about it slowly, but surely, and so far, Noah really gets it. He's so funny when he can't pee, he gets worried and tells us "All out of pee!" It seems he has more successes and far less accidents. We aren't putting alot of pressure on him, but letting him take it slowly( since the American Academy of Pediactrics subscribes to the idea of potty training over the course of six months time.)
Work continues to go well, I now work 36 hours a week, which is awesome, and really helps out with the bills. I'm excited to use some money for baby and Christmas shopping, even though, so far, we have no idea of what we will be getting Noah.

I think that is about it for the going ons in the Wappler household.

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