Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today is not so good of a day. It's freezing, and I love it, but I have chills, and I'm so tired I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open, and my stomach is flip-flopping. Two of these things have an explanation.
I have something to get off my chest though.

Dear Sick Person,
If you are sick, please do not come out in public. If you have been sick, wait for a couple days before going to an outing of any sort. I don't say this out of the kindness of my heart wanting you to get better. I say it so my family and I don't get sick! It drives me insane that people think it is o.k. to come out to a gas station, cough up a lung(without covering their mouth with the crook of their elbow), and then whine about being sick to the gas station attendant. I'm sure they don't want to be blessed with your ugly flu bug either. Also here is another one.

Dear Person Who Doesn't Wash Their Hands After Using the Public Bathroom,
I would like to point out that you can now contaminant a lot of people. Please do not touch the produce in the produce section, lest you get Streptococcus all over the papayas and mangoes.

What are these types of people thinking?

Also another lovely letter.

Dear Parent that Abuses Their Children in Public,
I am a mandated reporter. Enough Said.

The past weekend was my bridal shower, and I came across these three type of people. People who didn't wash their hands as they left a restroom, who coughed everywhere and then there is the story of Old Yeller whose appex in life must have been junior high, grabbed her 4-5 year old daughter's cheeks and severely pinched them together, because the daughter was sitting at her feet, and was naturally fidgety as most small children are. This lady was in Fantastic Sam's, to get her children's hair fixed that the small girl in question cut. The lady told the stylist that it has happened 4-5 times in the past 3 months. The little girl had marker drawn all over her face, and they all reeked of deep fried cigarettes. Normally I am not one to judge about appearances, but the mouth pinching, the marker to the face, and the repeated haircuts by a small child( how can your small child have access to sharp scissors not one, or twice, but five times?) screams that this lady isn't watching what her children are doing and not giving them proper care.

People disgust me.


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