Fall is my favorite season, and I really wanted to start some traditions in the Wappler household. So this year, we went to a pumpkin patch, made carmel apples, and carved pumpkins together as a family. We also made some spooky snacks.
We went to a pumpkin patch near my parent's house, in Royalton, MN. It was called the Triple S Pumpkin/Strawberry Patch.
Nana, Papa, Mom, Dad, Noah, Henry, and my cousin's son Cal came with. There isn't a cover charge, like many places you will find, and their idea of a "medium" sized pumpkin was huge! I think my dad bought about ten pumpkins, and it only cost him $20. They had some cows that you could feed apples to, and an awesome slide in the barn that you could slide into a huge pile of hay. It was a great time! The owner was there while we were, and he was very nice, and showed the boys the little swamp, the cows were hilarious with how they would lick the apples right out of our hands, and if we weren't carefull, they would lick our faces or shoulders. Whatever they could reach, they were going to get it. The pumpkins all looked great, and they had all sorts of varieties. Noah was excited, because he got to drink water from a hose. There wasn't to much stuff to the point of being overwhelming, but enough to keep the boys happy and entertained. Overall, It was wonderfull!
Henry seeing a cow for the first time
Noah taking a much needed rest
The Pumpkin Patch
Overall, it was an amazing day.