Monday, October 4, 2010


I'm going to just come out and say it. I am a horrible blogger. I will update for awhile once every two weeks, then once a month, and then it gets lucky enough to just be remembered once every few months, if that! I'm really sorry for those that actually follow this blog. So let me fill you in on what happened in September. I work part time at a wonderful place, Noah started preschool, I got into a car accident, and someone abandoned baby kitt-ehs at my house. And my other cat ran away. :(

With October comes fall. Fall is good smells, astonishing colors, cooler weather, and fall cleaning. I love fall baking, the smell of the leaves, and of the burning. I love the looks of the little ( and sometimes not-so-little) trick-or-treaters. I love the cozy feeling of snuggling under the blankets at night when it starts to get cold. Fall is simply my favorite season. I find that I get out more for walks in fall than summer or spring ( I like to go for walks in winter, otherwise I get serious cases of cabin fever). I am excited for deer hunting season to get under way, and I am excited for the holidays.

I want to touch on what happened to us in September. I did get into a car accident. No body got hurt, except I still don't have my Equinox back. A man ran a stop sign and t-boned me while I was on my way to drop Henry off at the baby sitter's house. It was weird. At first I thought "What did I do wrong?" , until I realized that the other driver did something wrong. I was so mad. I was heading straight east, and I was hit on my driver's side rear passenger door/wheel well. He hit me hard enough that he pushed me around so I was facing straight west. Henry was in the rear drivers seat, and I was so angry. Then I heard him crying and I got so scared. I slammed on the breaks, which was a good thing, since I came within six inches of hitting ap arked vehicle on the side of the road. I quickly jumped out of the car, checked on Henry, then called the police. As soon as I got off the phone with them, I called Matt. As soon as I heard his voice, I started to bawl. I never bawl, especially in front people. Just to let you know, I have only cried in front of Matt three times. I told him " I just got into an accident. No body is hurt, it isn't my fault". Matt just asked where I was at, and then told me he was on his way home. All in all, at the end of the day, the Equinox had $3700 worth of damage, and the other guy got a failure to yeild ticket. He was sorry, but I still feel that it was all preventable. It's a stop sign. It's there for a reason. But it happens. Hopefully my car will be done this week.

Noah started preschool.

How did this happen?

Wasn't it just last week that we left the hospital?

He is four. He sings his ABCs. He knows all his colors, and can tie his shoes. He knows what he wants to wear. He hates bathtime. He loves Iron Man. He is my Big Boy. He tells me everyday that he loves me.

Whatever happened to my little baby who threw up every where and loved his jumperoo? Who wouldn't ever take a bottle, and loved bathtime? Who screamed non-stop from 6p.m.-10p.m. for the first 3 months of his life?

He is my happy, lovable, stubborn, impatient, smart, funny big boy. He is my buddy. No longer my little buddy. I need to go cry now.

Henry turned 5 months old on October 2nd. He rolls over, he is trying to sit up on his own, yells, talks, laughs, and LOVES Noah. He watches Noah, smiles at him, and will crack up at Noah's antics. He is still nursing well, he is taking rice cereal, and is slowly getting use to fruits and veggies. He loves squash, carrots, and bananas. He loves to jump, and doesn't like to be in his pack and play. He sleeps in his crib, and soon will be in the nursery without anybody. I am dreading sleep training, but I think he will do o.k. with it. He likes to be all buissness at night. He doesn't even like to fall asleep nursing. He wants to lay down in his crib to fall asleep. All I have to say is , I am lucky.

P.S. Does anybody want two little kitties?

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At October 5, 2010 at 3:03 PM , Blogger Kate said...

OMG, so glad you and Henry are okay. How scary. Getting into an accident with the boys in the car is my worst fear.


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