Noah had his fourth birthday party, he is getting to be so big! At his 4 year well child check up he was 40 lbs, and was 43 inches tall. Soon( like next week) he will start preschool. These last four years have gone by way to fast. It makes me excited to see how much he has learned, and how smart he is, but at the same time, it makes me sad. Noah was my little boy for so long, and now he won't let me call him baby. He always tells me " No mom, I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy". He sings his ABCs, and can count to 13. He loves to take pictures with the camera, and is a little dare devil. He is in love with any sort of super hero, and no matter how much of a big boy he is during the day, he isn't to big to crawl into our bed at night. He is my little string bean pole, my big boy, and my best helper. He loves to help me cook, and always is willing to run and fetch things for me. Like when I have put Henry into the tub and realize I don't have his towel, or when I'm in the middle of changing Henry and he has poop all the way up his back and I have run out of wipes. He likes to sing Henry songs, and loves to climb on everything and anything. He has an obsession with torndogs and loves to tell us things, like " We need to go to dame top(game stop) and get a new dame". He definitely has my streak of being stubborn and impatient. He has the most amazing hazel eyes and has the best dance moves this side of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Henry is now going to be four months old in less than a week. Tonight we fed him rice cereal for the first time, and he is snoozing away. Normally he is awake at this time, but he might sleep the whole night through without waking up. I don't mind when he wakes up in the middle of the night, it gives me a chance for a cuddle and some close time with him while he nurses. The way he hums when he eats, and his little eyelashes on his cheek, just makes me feel so relaxed. Pretty soon he will need to sleep in his crib, but I haven't had the heart to have him sleep alone in his room all alone. He has his own little schedule, and isn't afraid to let you know it when he is upset. Very recently his cries have changed. He coos and babbles so much now, and smiles so much.
Especially at Matt. I feel that this point isn't fair. I am the one who wakes up in the middle of the night for feeding and changing, I am the one who feeds him from my body, and yet, every time he sees Matt he just lights right up. He has Matt's blue eyes and blond hair, but he makes this little face that I use to make when I was little, and Matt told me that when we are asleep we do the same thing with out lips. At Henry's last appointment he was 22 1/2 inches long, and was 13 lbs. He is starting to get some rolls to him, but he still seems little compared to other babies about his age. We just got an exercauser for him, and he loves to sit in it. Henry seems to be our thinker child. He is quiet and inquisitive, and loves his routine. He is easy baby, and yet is some what picky. He is his father's child all over.

Matt has been working and playing with the kids. He went to Canada for two weeks to fight fire, and returned home mid- July.We might be looking for a new place to live soon. I have started a new job at a wonderful assisted living facility in the area, and it feels so good to be working with the elderly once again. I find it very rewarding, and would love to make a career out of it. I still work fill-in at my old job, which is nice for a little supplemental income. We added a new family member a few weeks ago, his name is Chester, and he is a long haired Chihuahua. He is silly and loving, and does very well with everyone. Cleavland loves to chase and attack him, and vice versa. Cleavland is now an indoor and outdoor cat. He goes out and usually comes back in by the night time. He has saved my garden from bunnies, and has probably put a dent into the world population of sparrows and voles. Grover is still big and dopey, and the best four legged friend a family could ask for. I need to make a point of updating this regularly, so hopefully there will be another post this upcoming week! Here are some pictures from this past two months.
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