Thursday, February 18, 2010

28 Weeks~

Everything has been making the weeks just fly by, I can't beleive that in less than 12 weeks, we will meet Baby Boy Wap! We had an appointment at the Minnesota Perinatal Clinic, which involved an ultrasound. It was so neat to see baby! He is measuring really big, at 3lbs. He was sucking on his arm, practicing breathing, and playing with his toes. It was so adorable. Those ultrasounds make pregnancy worth it for sure. We had a little scare this past week, and in fact, I write this on bedrest as we speak. I want to tell my whole week up to this point though, because it was just hectic and crazy!

On Sunday I worked from 9am-4pm. It seemed sort of chilly in the house, so Matt tried to turn up the thermostat, but nothing happened. Our furnance was out, and we needed to leave to my mom's house that night, because we had our appointment in the cities the following day. Matt finally got ahold of a furnace guy, and hte guy told Matt that our furnace is so old that he didn't have any parts for it! He cleaned it, and attatched a new hose, and got it restarted. So we left for my mom's house, so we didn't have so far to travel the following day.

On Monday we woke up, got ready, and left my mom's house for the appointments in the cities. We saw my cardiologist at 12p.m. We talked about what might happen during birth, and about ICD replacement surgery, and about medications. It was 12:55 p.m. when we got out of there, so we ran down to the perinatology clinic for our 1p.m. appointment with them. We made it to our appointment, had the ultrasound, and talked to Dr. Fairbanks about whats going to happen during labor and delivery, medications I'm currently taking and if it's o.k. to breastfeed, and about transfer of care and when we would need to be seen next. After the scheduling of all the next appointments, we got to leave, and get back to Little Falls to pick up our suitcases and to get the dogs. (Noah is staying with my mom this week, since she has vacation time.) We left around 7:30 p.m. for the two hour trek home. We got home at 9:30 p.m. and walking in the house it was freezing! The furnace had gone out again, so we went to Deer River forestry office to get some space heaters to keep up warm. By the time we got to bed, it was 11 p.m. and I got to wake up at 5 a.m. the next day!

On Tuesday I went to work for two hours in the morning, then I went to work with Matt during the day, since the house was so cold. We hiked around some timber sale sites, and it felt good to be out in the sunshine, and exercising. We went back to the office where Matt did some work there, then we went home. Upon getting home, and cooking supper, we sat down to relax. I felt a funny itch on my leg, so I lifted up my pant leg, and went to scratch when I saw that my calf was HUGE. Like really past gross all the way up to horrifying. I know I'm pregnant and that there is swelling that is going to happen, but this was like when my arm swelled up when I had a blood clot. The other leg was also swollen, but not that bad. I found a sore spot on the back of my calf with some veins poping out. So I put my feet up and then talked to Matt about maybe going to the E.R. I need to point out that health issues are important, but the E.R. staff at the hospital in hte area isn't the best, and it was already 7:30 p.m. and I didn't want to get back at a ridiculious time. I called the E.R. nurse and asked if I should come in, that I was 28 weeks pregnant, with a history of blood clots. She said to just watch it overnight, and to make an appointment with my doctor the next day...

On Wednesday I made an appointment with Dr. Romanik, our family doctor, at 11:40 a.m. The swelling had gone down in my leg, but my skin was still really discolored, with that sore spot, so I went in. Dr. Romanik didn't want to take any chances, and ordered an u/s of my entire right leg. Had the ultrasound done, which was really gross. We had to wait for awhile for hte results, and finally got them. I don't have a blood clot, thank God, but Dr. Romanik prescribed bedrest for 24 hours, and then we talked about if I have any more swelling, that I would need a complete scan of my leg again., since I'm a high risk pregnancy. We also went over what happened at my cardiology appointment. I called into work and presumed to be bored for the rest of the night.

So my week, this far, has been quite busy and hectic. I'm hoping this weekend will be better, and alot less stressfull. Otherwise, this past month has been pretty uneventfull. Matt and I are planning the baby shower for some of my relatives, and friends up here. We talked to Matt's parents, who are planning a shower for after the baby is born, at their house. They seem very excited for it, and I have to say, I'm excited for the chance for everyone to meet Baby Wap.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I apologize that I haven't been updating as frequently as I would like, but we just moved across town. Between cleaning, painting, and moving as well as working 38 hours a week and taking Noah to his speech appointments, I feel like I couldn't keep up. The new house is a four bedroom, one bath two story house. I don't know how we could have done it with my mom's help. She was the driving force behind all that painting. I'm hoping we can finish all the unpacking this weekend, and to finish decorating.
Noah and Matt are doing ok, considering they deal with a crazy pregnant woman everyday. Matt is finishing up his timber sale sights, and Noah has been catching on in speech, but has been getting a croupy type cough. He's rather excited by the bunkbeds that Nana and Papa got him though!
My weekend of moving went fairly horrible and I was not thrilled when, after working for seven hours, and moving for another seven, we decided to go to bed, and come to find the cat took a big crap on Matt's pillow. This was followed by a screamed expletive,followed by my bursting into tears. Upon hearing my shouted choice word, Matt came running up the stairs.
"What's wrong?" asked Matt
All I could do was point to the bed, sobbing. I had never wanted, no, needed, sleep more at that moment.
Matt just hugged me for awhile before telling me this
"At least it was on my side of the bed".
This wonderfull husband of mine cleaned up the poop, put the comforter in the wash and made up the bed with new bedding. I owe my husband BIG.

It seems as if the pets want to send me into pre-term labor, or at the very least, have a small heart attack.
  • Grover decided to chew my crocs into a million little peices. I had the left sole and the middle part of the right one left. Also decided to tip over a full garbage can, and escape into the kitchen.
  • Sam(my brother's yellow lab) broke out of Zach's room while we were on a date and peed all over Noah's trucks, and took a massive crap in his room. He then took a crap in the basement, in a fifeteen minute interval of being let outside.
  • Cleveland decided that gravity does not pertain to him, and manages to claw my furniture to peices as he defies the laws of gravity. Also refer to story above about worst moving weekend.

Im glad to have the next three days off of work, but I know it will be filled with my house being used as a toilet, despite how many attempts we have of going outside, and of random objects being used as chew toys. We don't need to worry about the cat using our bed as a bathroom, since no pets are allowed upstairs.

I had my monthly checkup today. The glucose test was gross as usual, but I passed it, along with my hemoglobin levels being stable. I'm measuring at 27 weeks, even though I'm 26 weeks. I can hardly beleive that we will be welcoming the baby in 14 weeks. We have the rnursery almost all set up, and we are looking forward to having the shower. I'm in a constant state of hunger, and then a constant state of indigestion. I don't know wether it's an effect of Coreg or the pregnancy, but I'm also sleeply all the time. My back is hurting, and peeing all the time is starting to be a constant theme. I am not one of those women who enjoy pregnancy...time to get supper started now, Im hoping to remember to post the ultrasound pictures on the 15th after our perinatologist appointment.


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